I know a lot of current students at Liberty University through my younger sister Alex (for example, Bridget & John – whose senior sessions I also did!) and I’d like to introduce you to another – Sean!
I’m not really sure how Alex and Sean originally met to be honest. I believe it was through AWANA’s Summit program. Several groups of friends formed or combined during this time and most of them attended LU! Sean is from Massachusetts and likes to play tennis. Sean is studying graphic design and in fact, he is the one that designed my logo and my business cards, in addition to many other business items for me! He’s also a member of what is fondly known as The Addie Way. And, no, it’s not a boy band – it’s a location, sort of! A bunch of the boys in that group of friends lived together in a house on a street called Addie Way here in town. And The Addie Way was born!
I said all that to say that Sean met Alex, I met Sean, and Sean is COOL. THE END.
Ok, not the end . . . but it will be the end of Sean’s Liberty University chapter. Sean is graduating in just 2 weeks (I just tried to all caps a number for emphasis . . . FAIL)!!!!! Congratulations to the Class of 2013!
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