One August four years ago, John traveled from Connecticut with his family to start his freshman year at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. I remember because John was one of the first students to attend from Groton Bible Chapel (the church my family attended while I was in college.) Several other attendees have followed and have maintained their friendships here at college. In fact, I had the opportunity to photograph this group before they attended Liberty University’s Junior Senior banquet this year. Check out their pictures on my Facebook page! It’s been wonderful to watch them grow in Christ over the last four years as they pursue their educations.
John is an aviation major and in just three short weeks, he will walk across a stage at Liberty University and receive his Bachelor’s degree. In November, I photographed John and his girlfriend Bridget for my portfolio and also individually for senior portrait sessions (You can see Bridget’s here!). He was a pleasure to work with and I hope you enjoy this session!
So, here’s to John, his hard work, and the achievements of the Class of 2013! Congratulations on your graduation!
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