Meet The Stewarts’ Al and Dawn! Al is the pastor at The Kirk in Forest, Virginia. My husband and I started attending there in March and its become a big part of our life this year. We love the small community of believers and we knew right away we were home. So, needless to say, we see a lot of these two – but their cool so it’s ok :-)!
Both of them being from Connecticut like me is awesome! Not to mention, Dawn’s hometown is the tiny farm town next to mine! It’s a miracle that someone from North Stonington and Preston met each other outside the state – that never happens! As it turns out, they got married in 2008 just like my husband and I. They even read the same passage from C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” as we did at their ceremony – cool since it’s not a common selection!
So, when they asked me to photograph an anniversary session to celebrate their fifth year of marriage – I was honored! Pastor Al and Dawn kindly took Bryce and I out for breakfast at Carols’ Place (we have awesome friends and clients!). Then we headed over to Ivy Creek Park here in Lynchburg. It was overcast but the rain held off until the end of their session so we got some great images! Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!
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