My husband and I love having people in our home (as previously mentioned in John & Bridget’s couples post) and starting last summer, my husband and I began renting our 3 spare bedrooms.  Two of my younger sisters rent rooms and in November, Hannah joined us!  

Hannah is from southern California, outside of Palm Springs.   Her brother in law worked with my husband and that’s how we got connected originally!  When this spring semester is done, she’ll have finished her junior year in the Liberty University Nursing program and be heading home for the summer.  She loves the outdoors – skiing, surfing, hiking – basically, nature!  In fact, she found a ladybug in our first session (see photos below!) and was looking for the spiders in the grass during our second (not pictured!).  I find that when I photograph people I learn a lot of new things about them.  Like, Hannah was a dancer in her youth, which came in handy for posing directions!  She also has a ukelele named Tito, who is featured in this session! 

Some people may think my husband and I are crazy to share our home but we love Hannah and are so glad we got to have her in our family this year!

Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele

Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukeleleRustic Outdoor portrait session with ukeleleRustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukeleleRustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukeleleRustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
 Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele
Rustic Outdoor portrait session with ukelele

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